Navigating the NDIS can be challenging, let us help.

Here are few of the frequently asked questions we get from clients and guardians, if you have a question not found below just email us at enquiries@clearsky.au and we’ll do our best to get it answered.

Have a general enquiry?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is Australia’s first national scheme to support people living with a significant or permanent disability. The scheme allocates funding for individuals to receive access to reasonable and necessary support required to live a normal, fulfilling life and reach their goals. This support is determined on an individual basis and continues for the remainder of your life.

To be eligible for funding, you must meet the criteria set out by the NDIS such as your age, residency status and current support you receive. You can find out more here on the NDIS website.

You can visit the Am I eligible page to complete a NDIS checklist and see if you might be eligible.

If you think you might be eligible and want to apply:
make a verbal application by calling us on 1800 800 110.
complete an Access Request Form and return it to the NDIS.

If you need help to apply, please contact your local area coordinator, early childhood partner or NDIA office.

You can also apply to the NDIS by calling 1800 800 110 to make a verbal application or complete an Access Request Form found on the NDIS website.

If your child is younger than 9 years and has disability, developmental delay or developmental concerns, they might be able to get support through the NDIS early childhood approach. Within the NDIS early childhood approach, there are different criteria for getting support, depending on whether children are younger than 6 years or aged 6-8 years.

Your child must also be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or holder of a Protected Special Category Visa to get this support.

No. If you are over 65 when the NDIS is rolled out in your location, you will not be eligible for the NDIS.

If you are eligible for supports, the NDIA will assist you to get ready for your plan. You will be contacted by the NDIA or one of their Local Area Co-ordinators to start your transition and they will help you with information. Your next step will be to meet with a planner who will help you to develop a plan specifically to suit your needs. Being prepared and thinking about your needs means you will be able to get the most out of the support plan you design.

The NDIA has tools on their website to help you with this planning process. You can get ready by thinking about what your life and supports you may need before you meet with your NDIS Planner to discuss your goals and your plan. Talk with all the people, family, friends and carers, who support you about what supports you may need and want in your life and what your goals might be.

Your NDIS plan is a document created by the NDIS which contains information about you and your goals. The goals you set for your plan play an important role in identifying what supports you can receive as these should work towards achieving your goals. Your plan is created after your first planning meeting and outlines what support you require and how much funding you have available for those supports.
A service agreement is a legal agreement between you and your service provider/s which outlines the support that will be provided for you under the NDIS. It describes how and when the support will be provided, as well as the costs and the fees you need to pay.

NDIS Local Area Coordinators (LACs) are locally based representatives who can support you in implementing your NDIS plan. This might include assisting you in finding community activities and mainstream services in your local area to help you achieve your goals.

However, they can’t be as hands-on or involved as your support co-ordinator, which is why we highly recommend ClearSky support coordination services to make sure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

After your initial planning meeting where your plan and funds are established, you will have the opportunity to evaluate your plan and make changes at your plan review. Your first plan review will usually happen 12 months after your plan begins.

Your plan review is your opportunity to discuss the supports you have been receiving and make any changes required to reach your goals. Things change over time so it’s important that your plan changes with you too.

Your review can happen either over the phone or face-to-face, whichever is best for you. Appropriately preparing for your plan review will help to ensure you receive the best outcomes for your plan going forward. The team at ClearSky are highly experienced with plan reviews and are more than happy to help prepare you for success at your next review.